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# Guaymas Basin Sulfides
# Cruise: AT15-40
# PI: Andreas Teske (UNC Chapel Hill)
# Version: 22 October 2 dive_id, dive_ty, year, get, month, day, year, lat andx and subfix and lon 
#        (shipfix and subfix), depth, and cruise_id from cruise report.
core       month  day  year  shipfix_lat  shipfix_lon  subfix_lat  subfix_lon  depth_target  cruise_id  
4483-2     12     06   2008  27.0065      -111.4093    none        none        2004          AT15-40    
depth_core  sulfide_mM  
-1.000      nd          
1.000       0.215       
3.000       0.346       
5.000       0.115       
7.000       nd          
9.000       nd          
11.000      nd          
13.000      nd          
15.000      nd          
17.000      nd          
core       month  day  year  shipfix_lat  shipfix_lon  subfix_lat  subfix_lon  depth_target  cruise_id  
4483-3     12     06   2008  27.0065      -111.4093    none        none        2004          AT15-40    
depth_core  sulfide_mM  
-1.000      0.010       
1.000       0.055       
3.000       1.725       
5.000       1.878       
7.000       1.169       
9.000       0.455       
11.000      0.199       
13.000      0.120       
15.000      nd          
17.000      nd          
core       month  day  year  shipfix_lat  shipfix_lon  subfix_lat  subfix_lon  depth_target  cruise_id  
4483-10    12     06   2008  27.0065      -111.4093    none        none        2004          AT15-40    
depth_core  sulfide_mM  
-1.000      nd          
1.000       0.017       
3.000       0.456       
5.000       0.779       
7.000       2.103       
9.000       3.507       
11.000      1.606       
13.000      0.833       
15.000      1.207       
17.000      nd          
core       month  day  year  shipfix_lat  shipfix_lon  subfix_lat  subfix_lon  depth_target  cruise_id  
4483-17    12     06   2008  27.0065      -111.4093    none        none        2004          AT15-40    
depth_core  sulfide_mM  
-1.000      nd          
1.000       0.002       
3.000       0.004       
5.000       0.005       
7.000       0.291       
9.000       1.356       
11.000      0.182       
13.000      nd          
15.000      nd          
17.000      nd          
core       month  day  year  shipfix_lat  shipfix_lon  subfix_lat  subfix_lon  depth_target  cruise_id  
4483-23    12     06   2008  27.0065      -111.4093    none        none        2004          AT15-40    
depth_core  sulfide_mM  
-1.000      nd          
1.000       0.001       
3.000       0.954       
5.000       1.855       
7.000       1.546       
9.000       1.661       
11.000      nd          
13.000      0.901       
15.000      0.869       
17.000      0.701       
core       month  day  year  shipfix_lat  shipfix_lon  subfix_lat  subfix_lon  depth_target  cruise_id  
4483-24    12     06   2008  27.0065      -111.4093    none        none        2004          AT15-40    
depth_core  sulfide_mM  
-1.000      0.049       
1.000       0.009       
3.000       0.268       
5.000       0.361       
7.000       0.010       
9.000       2.136       
11.000      0.006       
13.000      nd          
15.000      nd          
17.000      nd          
core       month  day  year  shipfix_lat  shipfix_lon  subfix_lat  subfix_lon  depth_target  cruise_id  
4486-14    12     09   2008  27.0077      -111.4085    27.0077     -111.4088   2010          AT15-40    
depth_core  sulfide_mM  
-1.000      nd          
1.000       0.161       
3.000       0.212       
5.000       0.278       
7.000       0.176       
9.000       0.127       
11.000      0.202       
13.000      0.093       
15.000      0.204       
17.000      0.072       
core       month  day  year  shipfix_lat  shipfix_lon  subfix_lat  subfix_lon  depth_target  cruise_id  
4486-19    12     09   2008  27.0077      -111.4085    27.0077     -111.4088   2010          AT15-40    
depth_core  sulfide_mM  
-1.000      nd          
1.000       0.000       
3.000       0.082       
5.000       0.156       
7.000       0.152       
9.000       0.264       
11.000      0.497       
13.000      0.500       
15.000      0.348       
17.000      nd          
core       month  day  year  shipfix_lat  shipfix_lon  subfix_lat  subfix_lon  depth_target  cruise_id  
4486-24    12     09   2008  27.0077      -111.4085    27.0077     -111.4088   2010          AT15-40    
depth_core  sulfide_mM  
-1.000      nd          
1.000       0.004       
3.000       0.003       
5.000       0.005       
7.000       0.006       
9.000       0.025       
11.000      0.318       
13.000      0.322       
15.000      0.270       
17.000      nd          
core       month  day  year  shipfix_lat  shipfix_lon  subfix_lat  subfix_lon  depth_target  cruise_id  
4488-9     12     12   2008  27.0077      -111.4085    27.0077     -111.4088   2010          AT15-40    
depth_core  sulfide_mM  
-1.000      nd          
1.000       0.000       
3.000       0.055       
5.000       0.002       
7.000       0.000       
9.000       0.000       
11.000      0.000       
13.000      0.000       
15.000      nd          
17.000      0.000       
core       month  day  year  shipfix_lat  shipfix_lon  subfix_lat  subfix_lon  depth_target  cruise_id  
4488-10    12     12   2008  27.0077      -111.4085    27.0077     -111.4088   2010          AT15-40    
depth_core  sulfide_mM  
-1.000      nd          
1.000       0.271       
3.000       3.265       
5.000       3.579       
7.000       2.704       
9.000       2.076       
11.000      0.604       
13.000      0.959       
15.000      0.350       
17.000      0.115       
core       month  day  year  shipfix_lat  shipfix_lon  subfix_lat  subfix_lon  depth_target  cruise_id  
4489-11    12     13   2008  27.0077      -111.4085    27.0077     -111.4088   2010          AT15-40    
depth_core  sulfide_mM  
-1.000      nd          
1.000       0.000       
3.000       3.348       
5.000       4.499       
7.000       4.601       
9.000       3.129       
11.000      1.861       
13.000      0.135       
15.000      0.000       
17.000      nd          
core       month  day  year  shipfix_lat  shipfix_lon  subfix_lat  subfix_lon  depth_target  cruise_id  
4489-26    12     13   2008  27.0077      -111.4085    27.0077     -111.4088   2010          AT15-40    
depth_core  sulfide_mM  
-1.000      nd          
1.000       0.006       
3.000       0.024       
5.000       0.021       
7.000       0.035       
9.000       0.025       
11.000      0.009       
13.000      nd          
15.000      nd          
17.000      nd          
core       month  day  year  shipfix_lat  shipfix_lon  subfix_lat  subfix_lon  depth_target  cruise_id  
4489-28    12     13   2008  27.0077      -111.4085    27.0077     -111.4088   2010          AT15-40    
depth_core  sulfide_mM  
-1.000      nd          
1.000       -0.001      
3.000       0.000       
5.000       0.000       
7.000       -0.001      
9.000       0.001       
11.000      -0.001      
13.000      nd          
15.000      nd          
17.000      nd          
core       month  day  year  shipfix_lat  shipfix_lon  subfix_lat  subfix_lon  depth_target  cruise_id  
4490-10    12     14   2008  27.0077      -111.4085    27.0077     -111.4088   2010          AT15-40    
depth_core  sulfide_mM  
-1.000      nd          
1.000       0.061       
3.000       0.176       
5.000       0.079       
7.000       0.013       
9.000       0.001       
11.000      0.000       
13.000      nd          
15.000      nd          
17.000      nd          
core       month  day  year  shipfix_lat  shipfix_lon  subfix_lat  subfix_lon  depth_target  cruise_id  
4490-12    12     14   2008  27.0077      -111.4085    27.0077     -111.4088   2010          AT15-40    
depth_core  sulfide_mM  
-1.000      nd          
1.000       0.004       
3.000       0.072       
5.000       0.028       
7.000       0.003       
9.000       0.002       
11.000      0.000       
13.000      0.000       
15.000      0.000       
17.000      0.000       
core       month  day  year  shipfix_lat  shipfix_lon  subfix_lat  subfix_lon  depth_target  cruise_id  
4490-25    12     14   2008  27.0077      -111.4085    27.0077     -111.4088   2010          AT15-40    
depth_core  sulfide_mM  
-1.000      nd          
1.000       0.003       
3.000       1.904       
5.000       3.808       
7.000       4.439       
9.000       4.403       
11.000      3.245       
13.000      nd          
15.000      nd          
17.000      nd          
core       month  day  year  shipfix_lat  shipfix_lon  subfix_lat  subfix_lon  depth_target  cruise_id  
4490-26    12     14   2008  27.0077      -111.4085    27.0077     -111.4088   2010          AT15-40    
depth_core  sulfide_mM  
-1.000      nd          
1.000       1.070       
3.000       2.589       
5.000       2.419       
7.000       nd          
9.000       nd          
11.000      nd          
13.000      nd          
15.000      nd          
17.000      nd          
core       month  day  year  shipfix_lat  shipfix_lon  subfix_lat  subfix_lon  depth_target  cruise_id  
4490-27    12     14   2008  27.0077      -111.4085    27.0077     -111.4088   2010          AT15-40    
depth_core  sulfide_mM  
-1.000      nd          
1.000       0.216       
3.000       2.031       
5.000       2.397       
7.000       3.644       
9.000       nd          
11.000      nd          
13.000      nd          
15.000      nd          
17.000      nd          
core       month  day  year  shipfix_lat  shipfix_lon  subfix_lat  subfix_lon  depth_target  cruise_id  
4491-12    12     15   2008  27.0071      -111.4080    27.0071     -111.4082   2005          AT15-40    
depth_core  sulfide_mM  
-1.000      nd          
1.000       2.468       
3.000       2.113       
5.000       1.873       
7.000       1.447       
9.000       0.763       
11.000      0.921       
13.000      0.307       
15.000      0.158       
17.000      0.289